Spooky story of two friends who stayed up late on Christmas Eve. There are two girls named Emma
and Veronica, who lived in the same neighborhood. At that time, Christmas Eve and Emma's parents
had gone from house to celebrate their holiday until the weekend. she felt a little nervous left
yourself at home all night, so she invited his friends to be with him that night.
The two girls were then planning to stay up. All day they swapped clothes and do other normal
things girls do like my hair or nail them to one another. In the afternoon, they ordered pizza and
watching horror movies. After that, they go to church together to celebrate Christmas Eve after
locking the door of the house and get ready.
Upon their return from the church, both then spent a long time chatting and gossiping about the
children in their schools. They then did not realize that the time has passed until after midnight. Both
girls also were tired so they decided when it was time to sleep. Emma climbed into bed, while
Veronica slept on the floor mat repose.
Our room was very quiet and Emma slowly dissolve in his sleep. But then, Veronica sat down and
started to shake his friend's body.
"Come on, we go down and find ice cream," she said aloud.
Emma was very sleepy and murmured, "I'm not hungry."
"But, I'm hungry." Said Veronica. "Come on, we go down."
Emma turned around. "No ice cream in the fridge." She sleepily saying, "We've been eating all."
"So... let's go to the store and buy some." Said Veronica.
"I do not want anymore," said his friend. "Go by yourself."
"No! I do not dare to walk alone at this time of night. "Veronica pleaded," Come on, let's go... "
Emma was still lying in bed and tried to ignore it.
"Emma, please!" Veronica began to cry. "Come on! I really want ice cream..." Tears streamed down
her face.
Emma really disturbed. She was tired and tired of hearing the whining of his friend.
"My God, Veronica! OK! OK! "She said. "If it's really important to you, well... I'll go with you to
the store. So calm down! "
Both girls were dressed quickly and put on their jackets. Soon after they left the house, somehow,
Veronica pulled his friend's hand and started to drag him into another direction.
"This is not the way to get to the store." Cried Emma.
"Sshh!" Hissed Veronica. "We'll go to the police station. I've been looking in the mirror, and I saw a
man with an axe, was hiding under your bed!"